The 9 Weirdest Food Laws in the US
We usually don't think twice about grabbing dinner at our favorite restaurant or café, but did you know that you could break some weird food laws in the US?

Different countries have different customs - that also applies to food. However, did you know that you'll be fined for breaking one of these 9 weird food laws in the US? We've compiled a list of strange legal faux-pas you better steer clear of in certain US states!
#1 Arizona - Sustainable Food Law
To be honest, this law is pretty reasonable. If you go hunting in Arizona, it's illegal to let any portion of game bird, game fish, or game mammal that's still fit to eat go to waste. How very sustainable of you, Arizona.

#2 Delaware - Obsessed with Butter
In case you own a restaurant in Delaware, you should be aware of a law that obliges you to always serve butter - if you choose to serve margarine, you have to install a sign that alerts your customers to the fact.

#3 Indiana - Not a Fan of Bad Breath
This will come as a surprise for those of you who love to cook with a lot of garlic. In Gary, Indiana, you have to wait at least four hours after eating garlic before being allowed to watch a movie at a cinema. Also, they will hound you if you ride a streetcar with garlic breath. Okay, maybe they won't hound you, but it's still illegal.

#4 Kansas - Likes Its Vending Machines
Admit it: We've all gotten angry at a vending machine before. There's no holding back when it has taken your money but doesn't spit out your snack. When that happens, you want to hit the vending machine, we get it. However, you should refrain from getting physical, at least in Derby, Kansas. If you decide to hit a vending machine there, you're actually guilty of an offense.

#5 Louisiana - No Food Surprises
If you want to play a joke on your friend by sending them an unannounced three-course-menu, you're in big trouble in Louisiana. Yep, you can be fined up to 500$ for this "funny" prank!

#6 Maryland - Don't Eat and Swim
We all know the rule: If you've eaten, wait 30 minutes before you go swimming. In Maryland, however, you really shouldn't combine the two. Don't go swimming in the ocean while nibbling on a snack!

#7 Missouri - Misery?
If a milkman delivers milk jugs to your door in St. Louis, Missouri, you should warn him not to jog while he's on duty. You've guessed it right: "In St. Louis it is against the law for milkmen to run while on duty." Just imagine the mess if he dropped the milk bottles!

#8 New Jersey - No Slurping Allowed
People suffering from misophonia will be happy to hear this: In New Jersey, it's forbidden to slurp your soup in a public restaurant, café, etc.
If you don't have misophonia - why not let people have fun while eating, though?

#9 New Mexico - No Strolling Around With a Lunchbox
You want to save some money and pack your own lunch for work? Good for you, but don't hold it in your hands while walking around Main Street in Las Cruces, New Mexico. For some inconceivable reason, it's illegal to carry a lunchbox while you're there!