The Stages Of The Newborn Phase: Sweet And Honest Drawings

The first stages of the newborn phase are filled with pure love, but also exhaustion. The following drawings illustrate this in a sweet and honest way

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For a couple who just had a baby, the newborn phase is extremely exciting! It's filled with love, an immense feeling of happiness, but also sleep deprivation, and the need to adapt to a completely new life. This very special time is a challenge for all parties involved – however, it brings many unforgettable moments the young family will hold dear to their hearts for the rest of their lives. Artist Amanda Oleander captures the different stages of this exciting time with sweet drawings. It doesn't get more honest than this:

#1 A Smile That's Worth a Million Bucks

We know that smiling is contagious, but there's nothing more infectious than the smile of your baby. It's so pure and full of joy – you can't help it, you'll start to laugh too! Oleander comments on the post as follows: "We'll do anything to make him laugh. 🥰" On the following slides, she shares how she and her partner try to achieve just that. How sweet!

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#2 "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

Many new parents still need to learn that it's alright to ask for help and to accept help! Especially when you have to deal with a nightly surprise poo attack, you'll need support. Or, as Oleander fittingly writes, "I'm going to need back up..." – at least her son is smiling!

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#3 Being Inseparable

Nursing time is the time of the day new moms and their offspring bond in a fundamental way. Both are vulnerable and both physically and emotionally as close as possible.

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#4 Getting to Know the Grandparents

The love between parents and their kids must be one of the strongest there is. However, the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren comes close to it. It doesn't matter if they live in the vicinity, or if you're an ocean apart – observing this beautiful connection is priceless. Even if you have to keep it up via Skype.

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#5 Nursing, Take Two

Did we mention that the first few days, weeks and months of being a parent are pretty exhausting? After a fatiguing night of being woken up by a crying baby several times, it can happen that mom dozes off during a nursing session.

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#6 Nursing, Take Three

"I had no idea until I started producing milk that milk would squirt out with such force and distance." This fact is part of the category "Things I wish I'd known before having a baby". I's pretty cool!

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#7 Mommy and Daddy Have to be a Good Team

Most parents take prenatal classes and learn how to change a baby. However, reality often looks quite different! A doll won't spontaneously pee on you, for example... That's why it's all the more important that parents work as a team and support one another!

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#8 How Much Pain Can Mom Take?

It's a pretty funny illustration, however, the pain many new moms have to endure is anything but funny. Soreness, uncomfortable pulling – sometimes, babies show no mercy! They don't want to hurt their moms on purpose, of course. Nevertheless, mothers' pain threshold is being tested in this new phase of life!

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#9 You're Never Alone When You're a Parent

You and your partner have been thinking about getting a larger bed for a while? Now is the right time! Your little darling will want to crawl into your bed at night, either after a scary nightmare, or simply because they want to be close to you.

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#10 Advice for New Parents

When your kid turns you into a jungle gym! What Oleander wants to achieve with this post in particular is to offer a space for parents to share parenting tips with the community.

"What helped you ease into parenthood easier? Leave your tip in the comments, your experience might help someone else.
Having my mother and Joey’s mother at our house postpartum really helped us ease into parenthood.
Sharing our feelings with each other.“

Once again, artist Amanda Oleander has allowed us intimate and authentic insights into her life! She surely expresses exactly what many new parents feel in this first, challenging time with a newborn. Just know that you're not alone, and that asking for help is completely fine.

Pinterest Pin The Drawings Speak From The Soul Of Every Mum: Here Is What The First Time With A Baby Is Like