Beauty Quiz: Which product am I?

We've prepared a little quiz for you! Can you guess which beauty product we're looking for? You've probably used it before:

Who knows the solution to the riddle?

Do you already know the answer to our beauty quiz? The hint "I draw people's attention to a person's mouth" should give away which product we're referring to! If you're not entirely sure if you're guessing it right, we'll give you another clue on the next page!

The beauty riddle can be solved easily.

One last hint: When women use this product, they usually pucker their lips.

Now you should definitely know which beauty product we're describing! You'll find the correct answer on the next page:

A woman applies lipstick, which is the solution to our quiz.
Source: imago images / YAY Images

As Katy Perry sang in her first - and extremely successful - single "I Kissed a Girl", red lips are "so kissable"! Your favorite lipstick emphasizes the natural red color of your lips - and this is exactly the solution to our quiz: Lipstick is the product we were looking for! 

Admit it: You knew the answer right away!

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