Child Brought to Baby Hatch: The Clinic Has a Message for the Mother

When a mother brought her baby to the "baby hatch" of Katharinen Hospital in Germany, the staff wanted to send her a message!

Baby abandoned in a baby trap in Germany
Source: IMAGO / Cavan Images

Open Hatch, Baby Inside 

This is how the concept of "baby hatch" works. Many people don't know that such facilities have existed for a long time in Germany. There are more than 100 such facilities in the country, where young mothers have the opportunity to give their babies a better life. If a mother decides to take this difficult step, she can go to some facilities, open the baby hatch and hand over her baby anonymously.

A baby abandoned by his parents.
Source: IMAGO / agefotostock

Women often have two months to take their child back. But most of the time, the decision to give up one's own child forever is not an easy one to make and is not taken lightly. The reasons are varied. Financial fears, lack of family support, lack of experience or an unwanted pregnancy are just some of the countless reasons why mothers decide to bring their child into a foster home.

The clinic has an important message for the mother of the abandoned baby
Source: IMAGO / Cavan Images

A mother decided to bring her baby to a "baby hatch" at the Katharinen Hospital in Unna, Germany. The child protection office and the hospital went public shortly afterwards, as they wanted to tell the mother something important. First of all, they were trying to tell the mom that the child was doing well and had been placed in a waiting foster home. They were not trying to persuade the mother to change her decision.

But there is one more thing they wanted her to do for her daughter...

It is not too late for the mother to meet the child she abandoned
Source: IMAGO / Westend61

Karin Riedel, head of corporate communication at Katharinen Hospital, told Unna24: "We want to tell the mother first of all that the child is fine. But it is also important for us to give the child the opportunity to meet the mother at some point in the future." The woman's decision should not be questioned in any way. The only request is for the girl's future and to give them both the opportunity to meet again when circumstances change.

Sometimes this kind of public announcement can have a positive impact on a baby's life.

A baby was brought in by its mother in a baby hatch.
Source: IMAGO / Cavan Images

The first "baby hatch" has existed in Germany since 2000 in Hamburg. The hatches consist of a metal or glass window that can be opened from the outside. Inside is a padded shelf, heated by a warming blanket and often also by a heating lamp. Staff are only informed of a baby's "entry" with a slight delay, so that the mother has time to leave without being detected.

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