Makeup Can Change Your Face So Much
It's not just filters that make us look like other people. Makeup too can change the face to the extreme. We'll show you 10 examples!

Let's be honest: sometimes we enjoy standing in front of the mirror for hours to bring out the best in ourselves. Because some days we feel anything but good on the inside, but we don't necessarily want to show everyone. After all, we can't walk around all day with a filter on our face, as is possible on some social media platforms. Thankfully! But a little eyeshadow here and a bright lipstick there can help us in real life - sometimes more, sometimes less. We show you in the following pages 10 examples of how makeup can change the face!
Let's get started!
#1 Goodbye, Little Pimples !
You probably know it too: sometimes you wake up, go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and unwanted pimples greet you. It's just incredibly annoying! But as in the example above, it is possible to mask pimples and redness. It's especially the makeup around the eyes that gives this area a particularly strong expression.
The following example shows a princess transformation!
#2 A Princess Like in Children's Books
But it's not just pimples that push us over the edge. Deep, dark circles also sometimes put us on the verge of despair. But here again, a good makeup can help hide the dark circles. In the example above, the woman has gone from the girl next door to a picture book princess - and she looks simply stunning!
The next example shows it: Less is more!
#3 Less is More
We often think that only women in their 30s often linger in front of the mirror. But this is not the case! There are also women who are already a few years older and want to get the most out of themselves. This is the case of the woman in the example above. Without makeup, her eyes look rather small. But with makeup, she enlarges the area and thus looks much more awake and fresh. And one thing is particularly striking: Sometimes less is really more!
But of course, the opposite is also possible, as you can see in the following example!
#4 More is More
Sometimes makeup helps reveal a whole new person. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it. Yet this example shows exactly that: a whole new person. The heavy eye makeup and contouring weren't the only things that created a whole new face for this lady. The wig also seems to have helped give the woman a whole new personality.
Speaking of new personality, there is another way to do it!
#5 From Shy Boy to Beautiful Girl
Makeup has not been reserved for women for a long time - and that's fine! In the example above, on the left, you see a shy boy smiling a little reservedly at the lens. On the right, a young girl radiating beauty is addressing the lens. And if you look closely, you will notice that it is the same person. Nikita Dragun is indeed transsexual and makes no secret of it! We celebrate such openness and love the confidence she displays today!
The following example shows a breathtaking look!
#6 Look Me in the Eye!
What are we not doing to get the perfect look? Not only does the eye shadow and eyeliner have to be perfect and precise, but the lashes also have to be the right shape and length. Thank God for false eyelashes and eyelash extensions. Because this way, we can not only flutter our eyelashes, but also bewitch others with a single glance. What an expression the young woman in the above example gets in one go. And on top of that, her red lips are simply ravishing!
Makeup doesn't just age, it can also rejuvenate if you know how to use it correctly!
#7 Forever Young
You probably remember this too: In your youth, you probably wore makeup because you wanted to look older. But as you age, you want to achieve the opposite effect. Some people rush to the plastic surgeon for this - but it doesn't have to be that way! Good makeup can also make you look younger. The lady in this example is 81 years old. If you look at the picture on the right, she looks 30 years younger. We love that!
Other imperfections can also be brought back into shape with makeup!
#8It's all about form
Yes, we admit it: we are pretty critical of ourselves. And this is further accentuated by the beauty ideals on social media. But let it be said: you are beautiful as you are! If, for example, you don't like your slightly crooked nose, that's no reason to undergo extensive surgery! As you can see in the example above, good make-up and contouring can already give you the desired effect.
The following example shows how you can become a seductive vamp with pale skin!
#9 The Seductive Vamp
There are countless women who are simply not cut out for a summer tan. Those with pale skin are quickly labeled as sick. But in most cases, this is a complete mistake! However, a good makeup can transform a "dead vampire" into a seductive one. And yes, this is not only done with a flashy eye makeup, but also with a bright lipstick. No more classic colors like red! Try a bright blue or a purple. You'll be a real eye-catcher!
And finally, we show you another Barbie transformation!
#10 I'm a Barbie Girl
Let's be honest: Barbie is already a great doll. So it's no wonder some women want to emulate her look. It's easier to do than you think, as you can see above. And if you want to get rid of your tattoos for this look too, it's pretty quick with the right foundation.