Logical Errors In Movies That Should Have Been Obvious To Us
Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference. After learning about these logical errors, you'll look at the movies differently.

Many Hollywood movies follow a rather simple plot, but still manage to incorporate so-called "plot holes" and miss other cinematic errors. We, too, have failed to notice most of the following logical errors - even though we have watched our favorite movies and series thousands of times. But once we see them, we're left thinking, "Oh my God! How did I not notice this earlier? This doesn't make any sense!"
Be warned! These logical errors could completely blow your good memories out of the water. Here we go!
The Maze Runner
In the first movie of the Maze Runner series, the children say that the walls of the maze cannot be climbed by them, because the ivy does not grow to the top. In several scenes, however, we can see that this is not the case. Also, they could have easily built a ladder with their resources.
[mazerunnermovie via Instagram]

Star Wars
Who had the stupid idea to hide Luke Skywalker from his father on his former home planet, without even changing his last name?
I'll say it again, there would have been enough room for Jack on the piece of floating debris that Rose is lying on. And don't come to me and say: "Then it would certainly have fallen over!" They could have at least tried once. RIP Jack, your death could have been avoided.
[oorannob via Twitter]
Inglourious Basterds
In the film, the Inglourious Basterds group has only one mission: to kill Nazis! In the middle of the film, they decide to free the disgraced officer Hugo Stiglitz, known throughout Germany as a traitor.
It is therefore all the more surprising that none of the German soldiers, even the "Sturmbannführer", notice in the tavern that they are sitting opposite one of Germany's most wanted criminals.
[The krizkon via Twitter]
The Butterfly Effect
In the movie, Evan discovers that he can travel through time using his diaries and thus dramatically alter the present by tiny deviations.
When he wakes up in one of his alternate worlds and has to try to escape from prison, he teleports himself and one of his books back to his school days and impales both hands. He then returns to prison, where his cellmate Carlos now wants to help him with his "Jesus wounds".
A wound this big should have contributed to a much bigger change in his life, though, right? Why is Evan still in prison?
[Kingston5productions via Twitter]

The Lost World: Jurassic Park
At the end of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, a T-Rex is transported to San Diego via boat. But when the boat abruptly docks, the entire crew has already been devoured by the T-Rex. At the same time, the prehistoric animal seems to have managed to lock itself back in the cargo hold after its feast. What an idiot!
No, let's be honest. How can the dinosaur sneak through the entire ship, kill the crew and lock itself back in the hold? And how can the ship still navigate purposefully to San Diego if everyone is dead? And why am I asking you all this?

In Armageddon, a drill team is trained in a very short time to become a team of astronauts and blow up a giant asteroid.
But let's be honest: wouldn't it have been much easier to reverse the situation and train astronauts to become an interstellar drill team instead? Just a thought...
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
In the first Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie, the "photojournalist" tries to outdo her opponents in their quest for the Triangle of Light and destroy it. But the magic triangle has been divided into two parts and hidden in different places. Miraculously, Lara manages to retrieve the first part of the artifact before her enemies.
But instead of destroying it directly and thus rendering the second half useless, she prefers to store her half in her property.
[News Poster via Twitter]

Toy Story
If Buzz doesn't want to believe that he's really just a toy, why does he "freeze" like all the other toys when people are around?
The Da Vinci Code
In the movie The Da Vinci Code, the protagonists find a cryptex that can only be opened with a secret code. If they tried to open the container by force, vinegar would flow into the secret chamber and dissolve the piece of papyrus inside.
But nobody apparently thought that pure acetic acid already freezes at about 18 degrees Celsius and that it would be safe for the paper in this case. A trip to the nearest cold room and a good blow with a hammer would have been enough to "break" the code.
[qrqlchannel via Instagram]

In the movie Hangover, the protagonists not only have a massive mental blackout after a night of drinking, but also: their friend Doug is missing. They find him at the end of the movie on the roof of their hotel.
But how come security didn't notice that four of their drunken guests wandered onto the roof and one of them is still up there? Since there is a casino downstairs, we can be sure that every corner of the hotel is equipped with security cameras.
Harry Potter
Throughout the eight films, Harry is repeatedly told by different people that he has his mother's eyes. Yet when we first see her as a child, she has brown eyes. In the film, however, Harry has blue eyes.
[@witttlewayne via Twitter]
During the movie, Ant-Man is told several times that his weight does not change, even if he shrinks. Strangely enough, the ants don't seem to have noticed...
[@the_moviebob via Twitter]

The Mummy's Return
In "The Mummy's Return", we can see that the number of Medjai warriors is in the thousands. So why couldn't they prevent the excavation of Hamunaptra from the beginning?
Django Unchained
Do you still remember that explosion in Django Unchained? Well, dynamite was only invented in 1865 by Alfred Nobel, but the movie takes place in 1858.
[Jalil E via YouTube]
Karate Kid
In the final Karate Kid fight, the referee never tires of reminding us that kicks to the head are not allowed. And do you remember how Daniel ended up winning the fight? By kicking his opponent in the head.
[raditzman via YouTube]

Ocean's Eleven
At the end of Ocean's Eleven, we see that the crew has exchanged all the money in the casino safe for thousands of flyers from an escort service. But how did they do that? It's never explained in the movie.
Independence Day
In Independence Day, humans write a virus that can ultimately stop an alien invasion. But how exactly did they know how alien technology works? They certainly couldn't use an existing virus. After all, many viruses designed for Windows computers don't even work on a Mac.
[independencedaymovie via Instagram]
Fast and Furious 6
Do you remember the finale of Fast and Furious 6? At the end, the main characters are trying to stop a plane from taking off. The whole scene spans several minutes. But that would mean that the runway is several kilometers long.
[Furious Movies via YouTube]
X-Men: The Last Stand
At the end of X-Men: The Last Stand, as Wolverine tries to reach Phoenix, everything around him falls apart, even his body. Only his pants seem indestructible.
[xmenmovies via Instagram]

The Matrix
How does Cypher manage to get into the Matrix by himself to discuss his treacherous plan with Agent Smith? Actually, he would need an operator to do that. But no one on the ship ever asked.
G.I. Joe - Rise of the Cobra
At the end of G.I. Joe - Rise of the Cobra, the villain's underwater base is destroyed by ice that sinks after being broken. However, no one seems to have told the screenwriter that ice floats on water.
[Viewing Party Pod via Twitter]

Home Alone
Why didn't Kevin's parents ever think to call him at home? And if the phone is broken, how did Kevin order the pizza in the first place? In the beginning, we even see a tree fall on the telephone pole due to the storm and thus damage the lines.
Reddit user phire, however, has an explanation for the supposed logic error: "I always assumed the tree cut the main line to the entire city, but local calls with the same telephone exchange always worked." While we find it hard to imagine such a scenario today, it seems like a plausible explanation.

Breaking Dawn - Part I
A Twitter user noticed a serious logical error in one of the "Twilight" movies. User Annoyingdragonvoid wrote: "In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward finally become intimate. She gets pregnant. It is well known that female vampires cannot get pregnant because their eggs are dead. But Bella is human and gets pregnant by Edward, right?
But what about Edward's sperm?
Edward "died" during that damn Spanish flu. How could he have knocked her up? Did his sperm live all that time? Shouldn't it have been petrified long ago?"
[Annoyingdragonvoid via Reddit]
Legitimate question, right? But that's not the only plot hole that infuriates Twilight fans:

Why Did it Take Edward so Long to Realize Bella is Pregnant?
How did Bella's pregnancy go unnoticed by Edward for so long?
Much of the film is concerned with showing the unusual strengths of the vampire family. So it is illogical that Edward only realizes Bella's pregnancy after she does. Reddit user lilbearcat19 writes that:
"Edward Cullen has TWO. TWO. Medical degrees. He has the sense of smell of a vampire. Bella has all the classic symptoms of pregnancy, including, but not in any particular order: hunger pangs, she sleeps more ...
So I'm supposed to believe that Bella noticed her pregnancy by her morning sickness before Edward noticed that her hormones smelled different, or that she exhibited other strange behaviors? Not to mention that if Renesmée was already moving, etc., she should have some form of heartbeat. Edward can hear Bella's heartbeat, like there's a drum in the room, couldn't he hear Renesmée's?"
[lilbearcat19 via Reddit]
And it doesn't end there:

Alice's Ability to Predict the Future
Although Alice can't really see the future of werewolves, she does in the second part of "Breaking Dawn." Reddit user potatocornerbbq writes: "In Breaking Dawn 2, Alice sees a future with Renesmee and Jacob as adults, of course we know she can't really see werewolves." A deleted user responds to this, "That's right! By the logic of Breaking Dawn 2, Alice shouldn't see the outcome of the war against the Volturi either."
[potatocornerbbq and deleted user via Reddit]