The Best Cleaning Hacks

Many clean their apartment with the usual cleaning products because most people don't know these ingenious cleaning hacks!

A photo of a lemon in the oven, which can help clean the oven
Source: Stylevamp

Many people don't really enjoy cleaning in the apartment and we get it. After all, you would rather spend the time on the couch or with friends. But what must be, must be! And we promise you that with these ingenious cleaning hacks you will soon enjoy cleaning. Not only will the hacks help you get done faster, but some parts of your home will also get much cleaner than with conventional cleaning products!

#1 Cleaning the Oven With Lemons

It's hard to believe, but true nevertheless: By using lemons, your oven will be like new again! All you have to do is set your oven to 180 degrees upper and lower heat and let the lemons soak for an hour. Before that, pour some water on a tray and put it in the oven with the lemons. While the fruit is sizzling, not only will a wonderful smell spread through the apartment, but you can also easily remove the dirt with a sponge afterwards. And all without using chemical cleaning agents! 

Another life hack when cleaning: Mix vinegar with lemon juice and put in the microwave

#2 Cleaning the Microwave with Half a Lemon & Vinegar

Again, this is where lemons come in handy. For good reason, because sometimes the microwave just smells strangely burnt. To solve the problem, just dump a little vinegar into a bowl and add lemon juice. You can put the peel in as well. Then run the microwave for five minutes. The next step is to wipe everything with a damp cloth and voilà! Your microwave smells wonderfully fresh again!

By using rinse aid, you get rid of annoying water spots

#3 Remove Water Stains with Rinse Agent

When we clean our sink, shower or dishwasher, those unsightly water spots usually appear after a few hours. But there's a solution for that, too: Next time, simply wipe over the spots with a damp cloth soaked in rinse aid and you won't see any more water spots for a while!

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#4 Cleaning the Blinds

Hardly anyone knows this clever cleaning trick: For this, you can simply wrap small dust cloths around salad serving tongs and then use them to get to the places that you usually can't reach. The dust disappears in no time at all!

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#5 Cleaning Pan

This trick also works completely without chemical cleaners. All you need is a potato and salt. First, you cut the potato in half and dump a good amount of salt into the cast iron pan. Then you scrub the potato over it. You can also add salt in between. When that's done, you can add some oil and smear it with a paper towel. Then clean everything with water and detergent.

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#6 Remove Pet Hair with a Window Squeegee

Pet owners know the problem all too well: pet hair everywhere! At some point, you can't even keep up with the vacuum cleaner. So if you need to do it quickly, you can simply use a window squeegee. You can then brush over the carpet, for example, and all the pet hair will gather in a pile.

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#7 Cleaning Joints

Although many people know that a toothbrush is perfect for cleaning grout, it often doesn't work because of using the wrong cleaning ingredients. To get it really clean, use a mixture of vinegar, warm water and liquid dishwashing detergent!

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#8 Clean Fly Screen By Using a Lint Roller

Have you ever noticed that fly screens can be real dirt traps? Not only flies collect here, but also dust, spider webs, dirt and pollen. But with a lint roller you can remove even this small, stubborn dirt!

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#9 Clean the Toilet With Coca-Cola

The trick is also extremely time-saving. Because, if you don't feel like scrubbing for a long time, you can just put some coca-cola in the toilet. You'll simply let it soak for at least half an hour and then rinse sufficiently. You'll be surprised how clean the toilet gets!

[pepsi_dad via Twitter]

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#10 Refresh Your House 

Here's an affordable and practical tip to keep your home smelling fresh all day long. Simply place a few beads of the brand of fabric softener of your choice in small bags and place them around your home. Your home will stay fresh and smell clean for hours. 

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